Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Differences between the Chesapeake Bay and New England...

Differences between the Chesapeake Bay and New England ColoniesThere are many key differences that distinguish the inhabitants of the New England colonies from those of the Chesapeake Bay colonies. These dissimilarities include but are not limited to the differences between the social structure, family life, forms of government, religion, and the lives of indentured servants and children in the two colonies. The social structure and family life of the two colonies varied greatly. The inhabitants of the Chesapeake Bay colonies were never able to establish a successful social structure or sense of family life due primarily to the nature of its inhabitants. According to the essay Looking Out for Number One: Conflicting Cultural Values in†¦show more content†¦Some what different from this was the government that was present in the New England colonies. As with many other aspects of life, the Puritans government was based on family. According to the essay The Godly Family of Colonial Massachusetts, The household—not the individual was the fundamental unit of society. The political order was not an agglomeration of detached individuals; it was an organic unity composed of families. (The Way We Lived 43). Since the political decisions were based on families instead of the individuals themselves, each Puritan household received only one vote on issues that were presented. As was customary in the time, the father would represent the head of the household at the polls. If the husband was not able to go to the polls then it would be handed down to the wife and she would represent the family at the poles. Another major difference between the Chesapeake Bay colonies and the New England colonies was religion. The street toughs and roughnecks who settled in the Chesapeake Bay colonies were not very churchly people although occasionally someone would comment on the need for churches and more importantly schools. Although it was commented upon, the large distances between plantations would have made it nearly impossible to build a church that was close enough to be used by everyone. The quote, Church buildings were in perpetual state of decay; ministers were poorly supported by there parishioners (The Way We Lived 27), shows justShow MoreRelatedChesapeake Bay and New England Dbq Essay673 Words   |  3 PagesThe immigrants that settled the colonies of Chesapeake Bay and New England came to the New World for two different reasons. These differences were noticeable in social structure, economic outlook, and religious background. As the colonies were organized the differences were becoming more and more obvious and affected the way the communities prospered. These differences are evident from both written documents from the colonists and the historical knowledge of this particular period in time. 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In 1607, England established its first colony in North America around the Chesapeake Bay, and nearly a decade later established a second colony in present-day New England. Both New England and the Chesapeake were founded by the BritishRead More1993 Apush Dbq1277 Words   |  6 Pageshundreds was a time for people’s imaginations able to soar free in their heads and see the â€Å"New World† for all its infinite possibilities. There were many reasons for people to look for refuge or wealth in the newly di scovered world. Some wanted to escape from harsh laws and strict religions of the European government, and others went for glory and money. When the new colonies like Jamestown was formed, so was two new societies. Both areas were settled for different reasons. The different reasons led toRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Chesapeake And New England Colonies1071 Words   |  5 Pagesthe New World, the English also started to establish colonies and settle in the New World. To encourage the colonization of the New World, England offered charters to Joint-Stock Companies and individuals to set up colonies in the New World. Although the Chesapeake and New England settlers both migrated from England, the two regions of the New World developed into distinctly different societies due to different economic reasons, types of people, and political organization. Both of the colonies hadRead MoreThe New England Of North America960 Words   |  4 Pagestraveled from England, coming from the same ethnicity, what they were seeking varied greatly; their economic, political, religious and social differences were drastically different. Those who migrated here had specific motives which led to different economies. The New England Settlers were in search of religious freedom whereas the Virginians were in search of profit. New England was founded for religious purposes. (Doc. A) The Puritans were seeking religious freedom from England. 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