Tuesday, February 4, 2020

From a social psychological perspective, what is stereotyping and how Essay

From a social psychological perspective, what is stereotyping and how does it operate - Essay Example According to the second premise of the continuum model proposed by the authors, â€Å"ease of information fit between category and attribute determines the processes people use,† i.e. categorization or individuation (p.237). Attribute-oriented process is launched in case the target does not fit into the perceiver’s category and confirmation categorization shows itself as unsuccessful. Further individuation is done through re-categorization of the target. Re-categorization occurs through subcategorizing, usage of exemplars or creation of new categories. If the target continues being incompatible with the perceiver’s categories, piecemeal, attribute-by-attribute analysis occurs. However, this is done only in case the perceiver has sufficient time, attentional resources and motivation. The initial categorization process is an automatic perceptual process, while the rest of processes – confirmation categorization, re-categorization and piecemeal integration â €“ are thoughtful, reflective ones. Our experience is coded in our nervous system. This makes us act and react automatically, repeating once learnt reactions again and again. The category filter of individual’s perceptions makes us perceive only selected information. We see what we are focused on, registering positive comments on those we like, negative comments on those we dislike and ignoring the rest. Further, we organize and interpret information following the usual scheme. This automatic perception leads to a number of perceptual errors. Self-fulfilling prophecy (â€Å"behaviour confirmation effect†) and halo-effect (â€Å"cognitive confirmation effect†) are the two widely spread perceptual errors. Self-fulfilling prophecy is about acting according to our beliefs as if they are true. The cognitive confirmation effect takes place when we interact with a person at a distance. Then our

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